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Great Torrington


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Apologies for the late notice, but unfortunately we have had to reach the decision for ALL YEAR 10 pupils to stay at home tomorrow (17/6/21). Having previously reached the decision today (in discussion with DCC, PHE and SWHPT) that it was appropriate for Year 10 to remain at school, we have tonight received notification of a further case within the year group. Therefore, the decision has been to isolate the entire Year group.


We will write again tomorrow with regard to return dates but in the meantime please keep your child at home. Household members do not need to self-isolate unless someone returns a positive LFD test, PCR test or becomes symptomatic. Please continue to test regularly. Please notify us of any positive result immediately via


Pupils should remain at home as they are now considered to be proximity contacts and therefore at risk of transmitting COVID-19.


Work will be available via the school website in the first instance.

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