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Great Torrington


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Subject Lead - Mr Colin Bryant, 01805 623531 Ext. 221 or

Teacher - Mrs Hannah Bryant


Computers have become an essential tool in the modern, be it for work, communication, research or entertainment. At GTS we believe it is essential that all pupils understand how these powerful tools can be used, as well as the dangers if they are misused. All pupils have access to a broad computing curriculum that encompasses Computer Science, Digital Creative Media and Digital Literacy. This is to give all pupils a solid foundation and enable success, no matter what field of studies they pick at GCSE level or beyond. 


Logistically we have three designated computer rooms, equipped with specialist subject software, as well as a suite of microcomputers which enable pupils to produce physical computing solutions to real world problems. This can be further expanded upon by the addition of motors, pumps, sensors, and light emitters to make a wide range of robots to complete different tasks. 




To have a curriculum that inspires the computer users, developers and creators of the future by including aspects of computing science, media and IT throughout our pupils learning journey, while ensuring that pupils are all equipped with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions with regards to their digital safety. 




  • To develop analytical and problem-solving skills to logically deconstruct problems / information to utilise digital technology for a given purpose. 
  • To develop ICT skills and computing knowledge as to be a proficient adult user of technology for fundamental tasks. 
  • To have a comprehensive understanding of the dangers and realities of using the internet. 
  • To provide the academic building blocks to be able to proceed to study digital media and/or computing science at GCSE and onward levels. 


GCSE iMedia


  • To give learners an understanding of iMedia production techniques and how they are used both in and out of industry
  • To develop learners’ creative skills to enable learners to complete tasks independently and to a high standard
  • To enable learners to develop good planning techniques that can be used across the curriculum and throughout their education and careers. 


GCSE Computer Science


  • Encourage enthusiastic and experimentation within the field and enable students to “go down the rabbit hole” within the subject via providing additional opportunities for study outside of the classroom environment. 
  • Pupils will be confident in approaching problems in a logical and systematic way by breaking down the overall problem into simplified processes that once put together will produce a solution to the overarching problem & be able to record the solution within either flow charts or pseudo code ready for implementation within a suitable programming language. 
  • Be able to program within two textual based programs and be confident to explore and develop into other programming languages.
  • Have a wide range of knowledge of computing architecture and theory as to enable students to progress into further education within the computing science field or be able to enter the computing sector. 


Curriculum & Qualifications


KS3 Curriculum


During KS3 pupils will study a variety of topics which include computer components, photo editing, python programming, robotics, digital safety, computing ethics and artificial intelligence studies. Embedded throughout their learning journey, pupils will also develop their core ICT skills as well as their typing skills, which are important foundational skills no matter what they may go on to study in college. 

Over the course of the year, they will study topics such as:


Year 7


  • What is a computer? Computing fundamentals including computer components, binary maths and memory.
  • The Digital Highstreet. Internet vs World Wide Web, transferring information via the internet, laws and digital safety.
  • How to make intelligence. What is artificial intelligence and how do we use / rely on it every day without realising it?


Year 8


  • Physical Computing – create an augmented boardgame. Algorithms, programming and how to use a Microbit.
  • Big Data. What is computer storage and how do they work? Binary maths 2, spreadsheets- how to use Excel.
  • Computing Ethics – Intellectual property, GDPR law and the computer misuse act are a few of the ethical and legal concerns we will investigate during this topic. 
  • Bad Image – A media focused topic where pupils will develop a media product that raises awareness of an ethical issue.


Year 9 


  • The Internet on Trial – The effects of social media and AI on the teenage brain.
  • Programming a Text Adventure Game – Develop python programming skills to produce a text-based adventure game that pupils research, plan, write and program. 
  • Practical ICT and employability skills. Skills vs attributes, using Word to create a CV. The importance of budgeting, using Excel to help.


KS4 Curriculum


At KS4 GTS currently offers AQA GCSE Computer Science and OCR Cambridge National Level 2 in Creative iMedia. Both courses expand on the skills pupils have learned in KS3.

In OCR Cambridge National Level 2 in Creative iMedia, we look at the media industry and how various products are produced, taking a close look at pre-production skills, planning and reviewing as well as creating final pieces. The course involves 2 pieces of coursework and a final exam and allows pupils to use their creativity and understanding of media to produce digital graphics, create a comic and more. 

AQA GCSE Computing Science is a massive field of study with roots in physics, maths, and engineering. During this GCSE we will be investigating and learning about software design and development, networking system, database design, system analysis and hardware engineering. There are two exams at the end of the course which will used to determine the pupil’s final grade. 


Outside of lessons


Outside of lessons we also offer a variety of computer related groups and activities including: Digital Photography, Robotics, Animation club and RPG Development. 

Contact Details and Useful Links
