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School Transport

When parents are advised by the admissions team, in March, of the school where their child has been allocated a place, they will also receive a transport application form (which incorporates the Code of Conduct) with the letter of advice.


Free transport is provided for children who live within the designated area of the school if they live more than three miles away by the shortest available walking route.  


From September 2019, if a family is on a low income (where they are entitled to free school meals, or the family gets the maximum level of Working Tax Credit), they will have a right to transport to one of the three nearest schools between 2 and 6 miles from their home.


All pupils that travel on school transport and their parents are required to sign the Code of Conduct agreeing that the children will behave appropriately on the transport.


No Pass No Travel Scheme


  • Only students who show a valid travel pass to the driver on every journey will be allowed to travel. Students must only travel on the vehicle indicated on their pass.

  • Please ensure that your child has their travel pass before they leave home every day.

  • Please ensure that your child knows what to do in the event they are not allowed to travel or the bus does not arrive because of breakdown or traffic conditions or severe weather. (Ability to get back into the house, ability to contact a family member/friend etc)

  • School attendance is very important and it is best to be prepared for any of these eventualities.

  • DCC will carry out regular pass checks throughout the year.

  • Drivers are not allowed to carry passengers who cannot show a valid pass.


In the event of a pupil missing the school bus or a bus not turning up it remains the responsibility of the pupil’s parents to transport them to/from school.


If your child loses their pass during the day they should go to the caretaker’s office to ask for a 10 day temporary pass.  Replacement passes cost £5 each and can be ordered online, or by sending a cheque with a replacement form. 


Further information is available at:

Contact Details and Useful Links
