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Enrichment & Intervention

What is 'Enrichment and Intervention'?


During period 6 every Thursday afternoon, we will be offering our pupils opportunities that will enrich their education by building relationships through community involvement, volunteering and achieving success in areas other than curriculum subjects.


Each project has been linked to one of our school values: opportunity, health, resilience, responsibility, respect, relationships. Many of the activities offered are not available in any other North Devon school. Many are certificated, or competition based which will enhance future CVs and college/job applications. The variety of offers should provide something for everyone whatever their interests.


Fundamentally, we want our pupils to become independent, resourceful, and responsible citizens of the future with broad experiences that enhance their GCSE achievements to give them the widest opportunity for future careers and life-long learning.


How to choose your activities


Across the school year there will be three terms of enrichment and intervention. Activities will run for 10-12 weeks, and you will need to choose an option for each term. Some may run over more than one term, please be aware of this when choosing your activities.


Intervention will also happen during this time and some pupils will be selected by curriculum areas to receive additional help and support with individual subjects. This will take priority over enrichment choices. All Year 11 pupils will be allocated 6 weeks of intervention in terms 1 & 3 to help them recover any lost learning due to Covid and help them to prepare for their GCSE examinations.


You are strongly encouraged to choose a variety of activities. You cannot opt for the same activity each term, it will count as 1 choice (unless it goes across 2 terms!) We suggest that you read through all the offers first before making your selections. Not all the offers are repeated across all the terms so please make your selections carefully.

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