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Great Torrington


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School Trips

At GTS we run many trips throughout the school year. Some of these are required for the curriculum whilst some of these are to promote wider development of the pupil.


In some instances, where pupils are identified as requiring financial support (PP/FSM) the school may be able to assist with paid trips.


Consent will always be requested, unless the trip is a statutory part of the curriculum and is local. In this instance parents will still be informed.


There are several large trips available, these are scheduled to ensure they do not coincide with each other and prohibit pupils from going due to cost. These trips include New York, London, France, Spain, Skiing, Krakow and the Ardeche. Payment plans are always put in place, well in advance, for these significant trips. If these trips are over-subscribed then pupils will be selected, either first-come first-served or at random. This will be communicated to parents when the trip is initially advertised.


A trip 'time-line' can be seen below:

Significant Trip Timeline (Provisional)

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