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Great Torrington


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Year 7 Food


Pupils need to research how to make themselves safe within the food classroom and create a poster for top 5 rules in the food room to ensure their safety.


Year 8 Food 


They need to research the different food poisoning bacteria and create a project with one page for each bacteria, discuss which foods could be a risk if eaten. What the symptoms of the illness is. How long symptoms last. Are there any long term effects of the infection? Are there any groups within society at higher risk from that particular infection.


Year 9 Food


Research Coronary Heart disease

What is it? What are the effects of CHD? What could happen if the symptoms continue to develop. What you can do to avoid it.. which dietary changes could you make to reduce the risks of the condition.


Research Type II diabetes

What is it? What are the effects of type II diabetes? What could happen if the symptoms continue to develop. What you can do to avoid it. What dietary changes could you make to reduce the risks of the condition.


Year 10 A03


Research what is meant by the term HACCP. How can this be used in an industrial kitchen. What procedures do you think would need to be put in place in order to keep the kitchen safe and inline with the Food Safety Act.


Year 11 Food


Research the deficiencies associated with either an excess or deficiency in the following nutrients.


  • Carbohydrates (excess of, obesity type II diabetes)
  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Vitamin A, B, C and D
  • Iron, Calcium Sodium

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