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Great Torrington


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Attendance and Absence

Although we would like pupils to have 100% attendance, we understand that many factors can prevent a pupil from attending. The government currently states that attendance should be 95% to be good or better. If your child is unwell you must report to us for each day that your child is unwell, before 9:00am to ensure that the registers are accurate.


To contact us you should ring the main school number 01805 623531 and select the option indicated, alternatively you can email using the following email address:


If your child has a medical appointment


Medical appointments should wherever possible be made outside of the school day. Where possible, please provide us with a letter detailing the appointment prior to any absence.


Any other absence


For any other type of absence you will need to complete a Leave of Absence form which can be downloaded from the link below.

Improving Attendance


If a pupil’s attendance drops below 85% you will be invited to attend a meeting with their Head of Learning to discuss the barriers to attending school, and to ascertain if there are any supportive measures we can put in place. If you have any concerns over your child’s attendance please contact their tutor in the first instance.

Contact Details and Useful Links
