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Great Torrington


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Children in Need 2021

GTS would like to support this year's Children in Need Day by holding a non-uniform day on Friday 19th November where students bring in a donation (suggested £1) in return for being allowed to wear non-uniform.

There will still be an expectation that what they wear is appropriate for school, Pudsey Bear attire is welcomed.

School leaders have organised pancakes, hot chocolate, and bags of sweets for sale in the food rooms at breaktimes.


PE on Friday


Year 11s | PE lesson Period 1 & 2 |

Please wear your PE kit to school and bring in clothes to change at the end of the lesson. Bring £1.


Year 9s | PE lesson Period 3 & 4 |

Wear non-uniform to school, bring a PE kit to change, and then change back at the end of the lesson. Bring £1


Year 7s | PE lesson Period 5 & 6 |

Wear non-uniform to school, bring a PE kit to change, no change at the end of the lesson. Bring £1


We hope that students will support this event and in turn raise monies for Children in Need charities.

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