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GTS “family” reunite to celebrate their achievements as GCSEs results are released

It was lovely to welcome back our family of Year 11 pupils as they collected their exam results, many of which arrived with their parents who had shared their journey with us through secondary school. It was a joy to see so many smiling, happy faces content in the knowledge that their hard work had paid off and that they had their academic passports ready to access the next stage in their education.


Despite the national downward adjustments in gradings we are proud to have maintained the number of passes in English and Maths, ensuring that very few pupils will need to go on and do retakes. Once again, results were significantly above the national pass rate at Grade 4 and above, across all GCSES.


It was particularly pleasing to be able to recognise the holistic nature of provision at GTS as we celebrated the first ever pupils achieving a Diploma in the Princes Trust Award as well as the ten top pupils who achieved Grade 9s across a range of subjects.


Results in Modern Foreign Languages reflected the commitment of the pupils and staff over the past few years with over three quarters of pupils achieving Grades 5 and above in either French or Spanish.


The vast majority of pupils achieved or exceeded their targets and were extremely positive about their individual successes. On behalf of all the staff at GTS we would like to wish the Year 11 family of 2024 the very best in the future; we are proud of you all and are confident you are going to develop into fine young adults.

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