Contact Details
- 01805 623531
Great Torrington School, Calvesford Road, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 7DJ
Great Torrington
You may be aware that there have been a number of cases of COVID-19 across a range of north Devon schools. We are currently in the process of determining whether there is any need to ask pupils to be collected from GTS and isolate.
At this point, there is no indication that any pupil who had direct contact with an individual who has COVID-19, has come into school.
However, you will appreciate that this is a complex situation and we are currently trying to establish all facts and possible contacts. We have therefore taken the precautionary measure of asking pupils to wear masks in lesson, and around school, until we are as confident as we can be regarding possible cases.
Best wishes,
Andy Bloodworth
Great Torrington School, Calvesford Road, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 7DJ