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Physical Education

Subject Lead - Mr Guy Cooke, 01805 623531 Ext. 253 or

Teachers - Mr Matthew Bolton, Mrs Zoe Robertson-Neave, Mrs Charlotte Frickleton, Mrs Niki Miller-Marshall and Mr Matthew Rhymer

Support - Mrs Angela Daniel


Enthusiastic, committed, driven: the foundation stones of the GTS Physical Education team. Our vision for all pupils to succeed, achieve their full potential and leave school with the requisite skills and understanding enabling them to lead a healthy and active lifestyle has, at its core, the GTS school values.


Throughout KS3 pupils have opportunities to develop within the three domains of the PE mastery curriculum comprised of:


  • Head – Thinking: coaching, strategies and tactics and problem solving.
  • Heart – Feeling / Behaviours: healthy, active lifestyle, developing and demonstrating school values and trust.
  • Hands – Doing: physically competent, techniques, competitive and physically active.


Curriculum & Qualifications




Within Y7-9, pupils follow a broad and balanced PE curriculum encompassing a range of activities to include both team and individual games, athletics, gymnastics, health and fitness, and orienteering.




An expanded curriculum offer in KS4 (Y10-11) enables more choice to pupils allowing them to select activities from a range of options all of which ensure continuity in the development of the three domains from the KS3 PE mastery curriculum.

Level 2 Qualifications


In addition to the core PE offer, pupils with a particular interest in PE and sport can take GCSE PE. This course enables pupils to engage in a more in-depth study of the theory underpinning PE and sport leading ultimately to a qualification from which they can continue with further study after GTS. This qualification also helps to open pathways into careers related to PE and sport. 


Exam Board – Edexcel, GCSE Physical Education


The course consists of 4 Components.


Component 1: Fitness and body Systems (36% of the qualification) 


Content overview

  • Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology 
  • Topic 2: Movement analysis 
  • Topic 3: Physical training 
  • Topic 4: Use of data

Assessment overview - Written examination 1 hour 45 minutes 


Component 2: Health and Performance (24% of the qualification)


Content Overview

  • Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being 
  • Topic 2: Sport psychology 
  • Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences 
  • Topic 4: Use of data

Assessment overview - Written examination 1 hour 15 minutes 


Component 3: Practical Performance (30% of the qualification)


Content overview 

  • Skills during individual and team activities 
  • General performance skills

Assessment overview - Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated


The assessment consists of students completing three physical activities from a set list. One must be a team activity. One must be an individual activity. The final activity can be a free choice. Students must participate in three separate activities.


Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (10% of the qualification)


Content overview


  • Aim and planning analysis 
  • Carrying out and monitoring the PEP 
  • Evaluation of the PEP


Assessment overview - Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated


The assessment consists of students producing a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP), and will require students to analyse and evaluate their performance. These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated by Pearson.


Working with Primary Schools


Our SSCo (School Sports Co-ordinator), through working with numerous primary schools, provides GTS pupils with many opportunities to apply and develop their leadership skills culminating in a number of primary and secondary school events organised by the GTS PE team for North Devon. 


Student Leadership


Additional opportunities for pupils to lead occur through our support of School Games events. The Pastoral House system provides further opportunities for pupils to lead; there is an annual application and selection process for Sports Captains for each of the four Houses.


The role of the Sports Captains is vital: it helps to further develop PE and school sport; it helps to raise the profile of PE and school sport; it helps to engage more staff and pupils in sport thus raising participation levels across the school.


Extra-curricular Sport


An all-inclusive approach towards extra-curricular sport enables us to offer a rich and varied programme underpinned by our philosophy that all pupils should have opportunities to build and adopt an active lifestyle. This has resulted in pupils being able to participate in a leisure capacity through to competitive level and representing the school. 


We have a proud history of entering an extensive range of competitions across an extensive range of sports for all ages and all abilities. Complementing our extra-curricular sport provision, we provide further opportunities for all pupils through the whole-school E&I programme. 


Participation outside of school is also highly valued and encouraged and we therefore continually guide our pupils towards joining local sports clubs. One of the major highlights of the GTS school year is Sports Day which is held in July each year and is based around mass participation and competition. 



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