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Art & Design

Subject Lead - Mrs Dee Harman, 01805 623531 Ext. 344 or

Teacher - Mrs Michelle Witney

Technician - Mrs Clair Pearson


Welcome to the Art and Design department at GTS.
A creative, colourful, vibrant, sometimes messy, sometimes quiet reflective space which fosters independent and creative learning.

We offer a comprehensive KS3 curriculum and are a popular KS4 choice.
The department consists of 2 art teachers.




Art accesses many of the advanced processes of the human brain, such as intuitive analysis, expressivity, and embodied cognition. Artists are often better observers and have better memory.


Our art program of study will give pupils the opportunity to develop their creative potential through experimentation, taking risks, using imagination, learning skills, and evaluating the process. Many qualities that are important across the curriculum as well as career opportunities in the future.


We embrace the literacy focus here at G.T.S with a book that accompanies each of our projects.


Homework is invaluable, it has been designed to enhance learning giving pupils the opportunity to develop skills. This year pupils will choose a task from our carefully designed art menus.


Curriculum and Qualifications 


KS3 Curriculum


Pupils should be taught to develop their creativity and ideas and increase proficiency in their execution. They should develop a critical understanding of artists, craftspeople, and designers, expressing reasoned judgements that can inform their own work.


Year 7 pupils are introduced to the formal elements: line, value, shape form, colour, pattern, texture, and composition. These will form the building blocks to enable pupils develop as young artists. They will investigate and research the work of artists which will lead to a creative response and outcomes.


Year 8 has a strong drawing and painting element, where skills will be fine-tuned. There will be a range of different approaches, techniques, and materials. We may change the theme from year to year but the concepts for the creative journey remain.


Year 9 pupils build upon their art experience to become more independent, take risks, make informed decisions about their own work. Pupils are addressing much more complex ideas and processes as a vehicle to communicate their ideas and responses.



KS4 Curriculum


Currently we offer the AQA Fine Art qualification in Art & Design. This includes a coursework portfolio which is 60% and an Exam which is 40% of the final grade. Pupils can use this course as a foundation for further art courses at college, university or working towards a career in the creative industries. 





Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.


Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting, and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques, and processes.


Record ideas, observations, and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.


Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

Wider Opportunities


The pupil’s work is exhibited annually at The Plough Arts Gallery, Torrington.

We have an online Instagram gallery which keeps the community up to date with current work.

Pupils can go on trips to London to visit major galleries. We have a wide range of local opportunities to inspire creativity and fuel the imagination, including RHS Rosemoor, or the quirky fishing village of Clovelly or Broomhill Sculpture Gardens to name a few. We have used local industries, such as Dartington Glass to build into project work with outstanding results.

Pupils can continue their art and design journey at several Post 16 colleges in the area. Many past pupils have chosen to peruse a career in the ever-growing creative industries.

Contact Details and Useful Links
