Contact Details
- 01805 623531
Great Torrington School, Calvesford Road, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 7DJ
Great Torrington
The School Uniform and Dress Code makes an important contribution to creating a positive and purposeful School ethos. We rely upon parents to uphold our expectations in maintaining a smart and appropriate appearance.
If you are in doubt, rather than purchase items of uniform that are incorrect and therefore cannot be worn, please contact the School first.
Item | Uniform |
Shirts and Ties | Plain white shirt with stiff collar, long enough to be tucked into trousers/ skirts at all times. House colour clip-on tie |
Jumpers - Years 7 - 9
Yrs 10 & 11 only | Black V-neck, long sleeved jumper with school logo
School jumpers may be worn underneath the jacket but are optional |
Trousers | Plain black trousers appropriate for school wear (suitable trousers are available to order through out uniform supplier, Price & Buckland)
Trousers should be plain with no embellishments, such as decorative buttons/ zips or labels No coloured/ decorated belts - black only No skinny-leg pants or trousers that are tight fitting throughout their length, leggings or jeans
Please see photos below for examples of acceptable and unacceptable trousers |
Skirts | The only skirt permitted is a plain black, knee-length, pleated skirt. |
Shorts | The only shorts permitted are plain black, knee-length and tailored. |
Socks | Plain, neutral, grey or black socks, to be worn with trousers or skirts. Alternatively, plain black or flesh coloured tights may be worn with the skirt |
Jackets Yrs 10 & 11 only | Black jacket with school logo |
Shoes | Plain, black shoes of a sensible and safe style - the shoe must cover the bridge of the foot Boots may be worn if covered by trousers Shoes must be of leather appearance No canvas style shoes, leather look Vans style shoes, trainers (including leather look), skate shoes, open-toed, pumps, ballet, dolly, high-heeled, sling-back shoes or UGG boots are allowed
Please see photos below for examples of acceptable and unacceptable footwear |
Bags | All pupils must carry an appropriate bag/ rucksack, which is capable of holding A4 folders and text books. Handbags or sling bags are not permitted for school. |
Examples of school shoes that are appropriate | |
Examples of school shoes that are NOT appropriate | |
These shoes are NOT suitable due to the lack of protection to the foot and the ability for them to slip off. No skate, ballet, pump or boat shoes ☒ | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Examples of trousers that are appropriate | |
Examples of trousers that are NOT appropriate | |
Mobile phones are NOT allowed in school. If, on the odd occasion they are required, the phone must be given to the Pupil Coaches or handed in at Pupil Services for safe keeping until the end of the day. If banned items are brought into school, e.g. mobile phones, they will be confiscated and must be collected by parents. The school takes no responsibility for banned items if they are lost or damaged.
Chewing gum, lighters, matches, cigarettes, items of make-up, computer games, CD players, laser pens, MP3 players, iPods, skateboards, aerosols, knives or other potentially dangerous items.
Jewellery should NOT be worn because it can be dangerous, is easily lost and is not insured at school, although a watch and medi-alert items are allowed. Bracelets, other than those worn for medical reasons, are not to be worn. A pair of small studs or sleepers is permitted for pupils with pierced ears, maximum one earring per ear. No stretcher-type earrings are to be worn. No other body piercing is allowed – this includes clear nose studs. Our school policy is that ALL jewellery MUST be removed for PE. This includes earrings – there are NO exceptions – if you are planning a piercing, please ensure that it is done within a timescale that allows for this.
Coloured nail varnish and false nails are NOT permitted. Make-up should be minimal.
Only suitable, PLAIN coats are allowed to be worn to school – coats should be removed in school and kept in bags / lockers. NO hoodies should be worn to or from school.
Trainers should only be worn for PE and at no other time in school.
A scarf may be worn to and from school during cold weather. However, it is NOT to be worn inside school.
Hair should be clean, tidy and if long, ideally tied back. Bizarre styles, tramlines, letters or patterns shaved into hair or extremes of length are not allowed. Colouring, other than with natural hair colours, is not permitted – combinations of colouring (unless subtle and natural in appearance) is not permitted.
All clothing should be clearly named to ensure we can return it to the rightful owner if it becomes lost. Any unmarked lost property is held by the Pupil Coaches until the end of each half term, at which point, if still unclaimed, it is taken to a local charity shop or disposed of.
If uniform is incorrect, parents will be contacted. The pupil may also be issued with a suitable replacement for that day. Pupils will be issued with an after school detention if they refuse to co-operate or continue to wear the incorrect item of uniform to School. Uniform infringements that are deemed to be inappropriate may result in a period of internal suspension.
Smoking equipment and supplies (including e-cigarettes) are banned. Smoking is not permitted on the school site, during school activities or in school vehicles / coaches
PE Kit is available to order direct from the Price & Buckland online shop.
The following items are compulsory for boys and girls:
The following items may be required by boys and girls; pupils will be advised at the start of each year if they will be required:
Optional PE Kit
Our School policy is that ALL jewellery must be removed for PE, including earrings. There are no exceptions to this.
If pupils are injured, they must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian requesting for them to be excused from fully participating in the lesson. Pupils will still be involved through various roles such as coaching and officiating and will therefore be required to change into their PE kit. We strongly advise in these scenarios that pupils bring GTS PE kit that is appropriate for the weather conditions e.g. if it is cold, pupils bring lots of warm clothing to wear.
Second-hand items, such as boots and shin pads can often be obtained at very reasonable prices from places such as Facebook Marketplace, ebay and local charity shops.
GTS Facebook page for Second-hand items:
If you are in doubt, rather than purchase items of uniform that are incorrect and therefore cannot be worn, please contact the school first.
Uniform can be purchased direct from our suppliers, Price and Buckland via their online shop.
This service will give you the opportunity to purchase uniform during holiday periods. Price and Buckland will be able to arrange to deliver the uniform either direct to your home (for a small fee) or alternatively to school where it may be collected.
We also hold a small stock of the most requested items (ties and socks) in school, which will cover emergency situations. These may be bought direct from the Finance Office or via the Parentmail portal.
If you are in doubt, rather than purchase items of uniform that are incorrect and therefore cannot be worn, please contact the School first.
Great Torrington School, Calvesford Road, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 7DJ