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Performing Arts

Subject Lead - Mr Mark Pluckrose, 01805 623531 Ext. 206 or

Teachers - Mr Lee Wickenden, Miss Kate Ward

Technician - Mr George Forse





  • To provide a safe and structured environment for learners to explore the world we live in, their self-identity and presentation of self as well as consider empathy and tolerance of others through accomplished drama, theatre and performance work
  • To provide a source for cultural capital and heritage
  • To inspire learners to take risks, problem solve, think critically, develop cognition and resilience though exposure to key theatre genres, texts and practitioners
  • To provide an opportunity to ensure that learner’s creative potential is developed, whatever their particular interest or future choice of career.




  • To develop the skills needed for pupils to work together in a collaborative way to achieve accomplished and aspirational outcomes.
  • To provide opportunities for creativity, self-expression, and individuality, developing ownership of their work.
  • To provide regular opportunities for pupils to perform, ensuring that resilience, reflection and peer support is developed as part of these moments.
  • To give exposure to key musical genres, develop knowledge and understanding of how practitioners work within these genres.
  • To provide a foundation for pupils starting their journey into becoming practitioners within with creative industries.


Curriculum and Qualifications


Within GCSE Drama pupils complete three components;


  • Component 1: Devising Theatre

    • Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

    • 40% of qualification

    • Learners will be assessed on either acting or design.

    • Learners participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using either the techniques of an influential theatre practitioner or a genre, in response to a stimulus set by WJEC. Learners must produce:

      • a realisation of their piece of devised theatre

      • a portfolio of supporting evidence

      • an evaluation of the final performance or design.

  • Component 2: Performing from a Text

    • Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner

    • 20% of qualification

    • Learners will be assessed on either acting or design.

    • Learners study two extracts from the same performance text chosen by the centre.

    • The extracts will be taken from the National Theatre Connections festival

    • Learners participate in one performance using sections of text from both extracts.

  • Component 3: Interpreting Theatre

    • Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

    • 40% of qualification

    • Section A: Set Text

      • A series of questions on one of the following set texts:

        • Macbeth William Shakespeare

        • An Inspector Calls J.B. Priestley

        • The IT Vivienne Franzmann

    • Section B: Live Theatre Review

      • One question, from a choice of two, requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.


Within GCSE Music pupils complete three components;


  • Component 1: Performing

    • Total duration of performances: 4-6 minutes

    • Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

    • 30% of qualification

    • A minimum of two pieces, one of which must be an ensemble performance of at least one minute duration. The other piece(s) may be either solo and/or ensemble.

    • One of the pieces performed must link to an area of study of the learner’s choice.

  • Component 2: Composing

    • Total duration of compositions: 3-6 minutes

    • Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

    • 30% of qualification

    • Two compositions, one of which must be in response to a brief set by WJEC. Learners will choose one brief from a choice of four, each one linked to a different area of study. The briefs will be released during the first week of September in the academic year in which the assessment is to be taken.

    • The second composition is a free composition for which learners set their own brief.

  • Component 3: Appraising

    • Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes (approximately)

    • 40% of qualification

    • This component is assessed via a listening examination.

    • Eight questions in total, two on each of the four areas of study.

      • Area of study 1: Musical Forms and Devices

      • Area of study 2: Music for Ensemble

      • Area of study 3: Film Music

      • Area of study 4: Popular Music

    • Two of the eight questions are based on extracts set by WJEC.

Curriculum Maps


Please use the links to below to view the current curriculum maps for Drama & Music. These maps show what your child will study throughout their time at GTS, broken down by half term.


The Performing Arts department is very lucky to have a well-resourced, professional studio and theatre, allowing pupils to develop their knowledge of music production, performance and technology. We also have a well-resourced professional studio and music rooms for pupils to use.


  • Drama studio with a maximum capacity of 200 including Video projection, DVD player, Full PA system with radio mic and Lighting rig with Intelligent moving lights
  • Backstage area with loading bay doors, Costumes, Props and Stage systems ‘Q-Build’ Staging
  • Lighting and sound control room with Zero 88 Jester 24 channel professional lighting desk, Allen and Heath Zed 24 channel professional sound desk CD Mixer and Ableton live intro and Launchpad
  • Music Technology room with 15 Apple Macs with Cubase, Ableton, Garageband and iMovie with Midi Keyboards
  • Music Ensemble room with 5 practice rooms including Pianos, Drum Kits and Keyboards
  • Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Bass Guitars and Amplifiers
  • Various Percussion, wind and brass instruments
  • DJ suite with Cubase and Ableton live intro with Launchpad, Synthesiser and DJ Decks and mixer
  • Recording Studio with Apple Mac Pro and Allen and Heath Zed 24 channel professional sound desk

We would like to draw your attention towards some exciting opportunities available to your child, should they wish to participate.


Research shows that learning a musical instrument is beneficial to our lives, building confidence, developing learning skills, improving social maturity, connecting patterns and improving our ability to remember. Not only this, there are many enjoyable experiences which will come from being part of a school ensemble, not least being able to participate in ensemble and performances.


We can arrange for peripatetic lessons in the following instruments: Drums, Guitar (Acoustic and Electric), Bass, Singing, Piano, Keyboard, Trumpet/Cornet, Trombone and Violin.


Fees are payable to the instrumental tutor; however, pupil premium students are entitled to a 50% subsidy to help pay for the lessons. Year 10 pupil premium students studying GCSE Music would get fees fully funded. Those entitled to Free School Meals would get a 100% subsidy.


If you are interested in taking up this offer, please follow the link below to ensure that we have all details.


Any Questions additional questions please email – Lee Wickenden (Music Teacher)

Contact Details and Useful Links
